

30 December 2012

I miss my friend.


Suddenly think about my friend Jiha and Wana.  :(   My day is sad without them.  I miss them so much.  

I just remember, 15/11/2012 is a day when all three of us hangout together.  I borrow my sister car and we had so much fun.  Of course I'm driving.  At first we just want to use Wana's car, but I think we can save fuel money more when using my sister's car.  After all, wana cannot drive when raining, so it is ok for me to drive.  I do have so much fun that day.  At first we go to "Air Terjun' at Maran.  But before we arrive there, we have lunch and buy some junk food so that we can eat while on the way to Maran.  We talks about so many things.  Everyone have their on story.  But as usual, I'm not really like  to tell my problems to other. haha.  We arrive and it is the happiest moment for me.  Then we decide to go to Gunung Senyum. For what? haha just jalan-jalan sahaja. hehe and of course capture some pictures.  So here I'm sharing my picture with them.

 We all have fun :)  I miss you both...... huhu

Thanks for coming


A few days before, my sister came here at UUM.  Thanks to her I'm so happy that day.  I got a chance to hangout with my nephew Mirza and Anas.  I miss them so much.  I just want to share pictures that I captured with them the other day.  Thanks for being here.

Tq for making my day full of happiness.. :)  

p/s: there are so much more picture, but I cannot upload it all.  It will take time. hehe

Early in the morning.

Well today is 30/12/2012.  Which is one day left before new year.  It's actually my brother's birthday.  Yes today is his 35th birthday and not yet married.  So hopefully he'll find a girl that will make him happy.  Let's hope so.

New year is coming.  I just want to end this year being a happy person.  But,  my life is not as easy as making omelette (just using my crazy words).  Hm. it is not easy being me.  Nobody know how it's feel.  I just hope it will be better soon.

Actually I have so many reason that will make me unhappy.  More I think about it, more I became unhappy. I wish i could trow it away from my mind, but it is not that simple.  Well, I tried. but failed. and now I'm still trying to battle with my self.  I found a quote says that 'The worst battle is between what you know and what you feel'.  Yes it is.  I agree with this quote.  What I feel and what I know is something that I really don't want to think right now.  That's making me unhappy  but I need to settled this down.

I just want to be happy.  Is that something wrong with it?  I don't think so.  Maybe I'm wrong.  I already did something out of my mind.  People say, just go for it.  So I listen to them.  I go for it.  At the end I'm suffer with my own decision.  Now I'm thinking that not everyone is lucky enough to get what they want.  I know I am not good. I am not well behave.  I am not like others.  but I have rights to get a chance.  and it is never happen.  Cruel....! huhu.  I do feel sad about it.  Right now, I'm done with it.  I don't want to think about it.  People says that the secret of being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of every day.  So I will try my best to be happy.

So many things happened to me this year.  Well, everything happens for a reason. Every person we meet will have a role in our lives, be it big or small.  Some will hurt, betray, and make us cry, to become stronger.  Some will teach us lessons, not to change us, but for us to realize our mistakes, and to help us grow, and make us a better person.  And some would simply inspire and love us, to make us happy.  I learned a lot.

One more thing that I've learned.  Not everything will go as you expected in your life. This is why you need to drop expectations, and go with the flow of life.

28 December 2012

Wonderful Morning


What a wonderful morning today is.  Just wanna wish a Good Morning to all.  Especially on the last Friday in 2012.  2013 will come. But I will never forget 2012 that's bring happiness in my life.  I learned a lot.

Hope that today everyone will have a blast and happiness.  Enjoy our day. Salam

Ways to Be a Better Person

Recently, I lost my mind. haha that's weird. I mean it in a different ways, hope you get it. If you don't, just pretend that you get it. haha. I kind of not understand myself.  Lost My Mind again. But, after a few days of thinking, I decide that I must change myself to be a better person.  The way I think is a bit too clumsy. haha I don't exactly know how it is.

So as usual, I Google it and found a few tips of how to be a better person.

It is written by Nora Dunn  
25 Ways to Be a Better Person Today

  1. Say thanks — and mean it. (Here are 25 really nice ways to do just that).
  2. Smile at a stranger.
  3. Learn to lean into vulnerability and express your true self. (Watch this video as an inspirational primer).
  4. Perform one senseless act of kindness per day.
  5. Take a sabbatical and learn something new about yourself in the process.
  6. Do something you've never done before.
  7. Set goals wisely — and reward yourself for making progress.
  8. Start a conversation with a random stranger (in line at the grocery store for example).
  9. Create a vision board to visualize — and achieve — the life of your dreams.
  10. Help somebody.
  11. Reflect on the amazing moments in your life, and figure out how to replicate them.
  12. Be 100% honest for an entire day.
  13. Be generous — but not to your own detriment.
  14. Express disagreement towards injustice.
  15. Learn something new. For example, learn how to change your life and design the lifestyle you want.
  16. Interact with nature. Go for a walk using all your senses, start a garden, or just admire a beautiful sunset.
  17. Have fun with a brainstorm session of 100 ways to change your life in 20 minutes.
  18. Cook a meal for somebody.
  19. Save money. (Here are 37 ways start saving today).
  20. Try letting somebody in line in front of you or driving consciously and kindly, and see if it actually makes you late. (You might surprise yourself).
  21. Give your kids a leg up in life and make finance a family affair. (since i'm not married, I choose to ignore it for now.  It will be useful latter.  
  22. Learn about a worthwhile cause, and get involved.
  23. Choose three ways to be nicer to the environment and implement them.
  24. Create your own definition of financial freedom, and inject a dose of passion into your budget.
  25. Regain your youth, and play with some children.
Thats all.  Hope this will help me :)

A Big Thanks


Today I'm really glad that my sister and her husband came here (UUM).  I'm really happy finally I got a chance to play with my nephew Arif Mirza and Anas Mujahid.  I miss them so much.  Thanks.

Thanks for being here at a time like this. 

Wishing you all a good day as always~

Have a good life~


Just wanna share a few quotes for today.  
Have a nice day~


12 December 2012


I'm fine.  Just saying it. Even I know that no one will ask.

04 December 2012



Ye murid2~ hari ni kita nak belajar method MM1 dan MMS yer. hehe

Saje gimik-gimik sikit. tengah stress sebab nak kena siapkan assignment.  Nak tak nak kena siapkan malam ni jugak. why?  Sebab esok nak balik Temerloh.  Rumah ku Syurga ku la katakan.  I'm so happy~  Anyway memang tengah pening sikit dengan assignment.  Tapi memang dah jadi rutin la kan sebelum buat assignment kena study dulu. hehe. nasib paham apa yang dah di study, tapi bila nak wat assignment? Hahaha Paham2 je lar... Adoi...

Ni dia dah capture sikit 'apa' yang aku tengah study.  Nak tolong? Boleh. tolong bg ketenangan sikit kat aku. haha kepala serabut kot. :( huhu

Esok mintak2 sempat hantar assignment. sebab malam dah bertolak dah dari sintok.  Balik tak lama pun, dalam 4 or 5 hari je.  Minggu depan hari selasa ade kelas lagi kan. Dah tak boleh skip kelas.  Lagi2 nak final ni. Hehe Mane lah tahu Prof Engku bagi tips ke. hehe

Ok la. nak sambung wat assignment ni.  Rehat sekejap je ni sebab otak serabut.  I need something that can make me smile.  but don't know if it exist or not.  Cehh entah ape2 je ayat.

Ok la kawan.  Bye~

Salam Semua~

03 December 2012

I'm coming home


Hai hai.  baru pas makan sambil tengok cerita Hindustan hahaha.  Syok.  Alhamdulillah rezeki ada hari ni.  Dapat air teh o ais FREE lagi.  Padahal nak beli Ais 20 sen je. hehe so kena update dalam MFP laa...  Hm terima kasihla to abg kat cafe tu bagi air free.  Hehe Alhamdulillah.  SYok2..

Sedap2... dah bekurun rasanya tak minum air manis hehe...

Hmm... Hari ni ingat nak beli tiket untuk balik, nasib ada kak Zu boleh tumpang pergi.  Tapi balik sendiri laaa... huhu yang penting malam ni kena siapkan assignment.  sebab esok xboleh submit lambat. huhu ye lah kan nak balik umah hehe.  

Tadi line internet laju.  So sempat aku download video exercise by JM.  Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Level 1 and Level 2.  Hehe boleh buat nnt ada masa free.

Tengok.  Bejaya download. hehehe. Guna you tube downloader je  pun, tapi berjaya jugak hehe.

Ok la. jap lagi kul 5nak g beli tiket dah hehe :)

Salam semua
Senyum selalu.


Hope today and the next next day will be good alwayas

02 December 2012

no title

Fake Smile

I keep on smiling. but it doesn't work :(

I need to find interesting things to do.  Or else, i'll lose my precious smile :(